
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

On Beauty (By John)

This is John's writing, but he couldn't find the link to post it himself so I offered to post it for him:

I go to Google images, and type “Beauty” into the search box. And what do I get? Women. Lots of pictures of women. Each one has perfect hair, perfect makeup, all smiling.  It doesn’t stop. The pages go on for a good long while. Endless pictures of “Beautiful” women. Eventually, the pictures start to become lewd and inappropriate. I stopped just a few scrolls down. It really got me thinking…. “What has this worlds version of beauty come too? It seems like all they care about is eyeliner and cheekbones.” Tried Youtube. Nope. “16 Beauty hacks. How to get beautiful faster!” Yahoo. Nope. Bunch of celebrity’s. Bing. Nope. More Women. The Chrome app store. Nope. “The beauty book! The beauty shop! Beauty and anti-aging secrets!” Nothing seems to give me a actual thing I could call “Beautiful.”

“Inner beauty should be the most important part of improving one's self,” Priscilla Presley says.
And yet, everyone ignores this principle and continues to try on the newest skin cream and hair products! They ignore the Beauty around them, be it in people or nature or art, and let themselves get caught up in worldly things. Why is this? I don’t know. Maybe society has developed into a point where it has taught  people to become narcissistic, in small ways. Selfies could be an example of this.

Beauty is something that can not be seen, but must be felt in the heart. One cannot do so when all they think about is themselves.


  1. Great thoughts John - they give some food for thought. You ask a great question - "Why is this?" and I wonder, what can we do to help? Does anyone have any ideas??

  2. That's really interesting... I've never thought of how much the definition of beauty has really changed! I love how you said: "Beauty is something that can not be seen, but must be felt in the heart." I agree with you! God's definition of beauty and the world's definition of beauty are COMPLETE OPPOSITES!
